Monday, November 23, 2009

Text me!

A little bit of everything!

Lily playing with her big teddy bear after her 9 month pictures
Lily playing in the basket (she likes doing this).

Lily sitting in cousin Natalie's chair.

9 months old!

Weight: 21 lbs. 14 oz (90th percentile)
Height: 29.5 inches (95th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47cm (90th percentile)
Immunizations: she took her shot well - cried only for a few seconds.

Stats: We had our doctor's appointment on Saturday, November 14th. She's wearing 12 month, 12-18 months clothing.Teeth: She now has 4 teeth, the two top and the two bottom.

Food: Still an average of 24oz of milk and she's now on 3 meals a day with solids. For breakfast she has cereal and fruit, lunch is vegetables and fruit, and dinner is fruit, vegetables and a meat/poultry/protein. She still loves her graham crackers, pancakes, and bagels. Lily is starting to boycott the spoon as well as her afternoon bottle. Grammy and Papa have to pour it into a smaller bottle and then she's happy. She's drinking from a sippy very well. She prefers to feed herself, she's really starting to show her independence. She's started to share her food with the dogs. She'll take a bite for her and then drop one over the highchair for the dogs. She even looks over to see if they got it.

Development - She's still babbling, waving, clapping and dancing. Lily is also pointing at everything. She's still scooting backwards, but it making forward movement. She sitting up on her own from her belly. She will show you her babies nose and give her kisses. She also loves to read her "flap" books. She will try to pull herself up on a few toys, but not on any furniture. She'll sign all done and milk. We're working on "gentle" or "nice" with Lily for the dogs. She likes to pull on Winnie's face and Bean's ears. They just stand there and take it, but we still want to teach her to be gentle.

Sleep: Lily is still averaging 1.5 hours in the morning and almost the same in the afternoon. She goes to bed around 8pm and gets up around 7am. She's a really good sleeper.Toys: She still uses the Jumperoo and Exersaucer, but not like before. She's really enjoying her ball popper right now.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Here Piggy Piggy!

Bean, Winnie and Lily were pigs for Halloween. I couldn't get the 3 of them together for a good photo, I can only imagine what it's going to take for the Christmas photo. We went trick-or-treating in our cul-de-sac to see the neighbors in costume, everyone was very excited to see her. Lily also went trick-or-treating at her grandparent's houses as well.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Num Num!

Lily says "Num Num" when she really likes something. Here's a video of Lily and her graham crackers (one of her favorite things to eat).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting Excited

Lily gets very excited when she gets the ball out of the cup and we cheer. At first we weren't sure if she was excited or scared.

"Carving" pumpkins

We didn't carve pumpkins with Lily this year, but we did let her use finger paints. We didn't last very long with the paints since at this point everything goes in her mouth.

I'm a Great-Aunt Again!

October 30th, Lydia Lane Weidner arrived today at 12:20pm, 5lbs 15oz, 19' long! Heather, Phil and Lydia are doing great.

H1N1 Clinic

October 29th - Michael, Lily and I stood in line at Carl Sandberg School in Mundelein today for a little over 3 hours for the H1N1 shot for Lily. We were over 7 blocks away from the school, but we were lucky enough to get a bracelet for the shot. Once we got the bracelet we were able to leave and come back later, we just had to return before 8pm. Lily and I went back at 5pm and stood in line for another hour. Lily was a trooper the entire time. The rain held off in the morning and we got a little in the evening line, but we were under the awning so we were fine.

New Driveway!!!

October 27th - We're having our new driveway installed, I'M SO EXCITED!!! Those of you who've been to the house know how badly we needed a new driveway. I made the comment that with the driveway torn up it was better than what we had. Here are some pictures of the driveway in progress, I'll add the finished one this weekend.

Happy 20th Anniversary!

October 24th - Theresa and Jerry had their marriage blessed today for their 20th Anniversary. Mike and Ramona performed the ceremony. The weather cooperated and it ended up being a nice day, not bad for the end of October.

Jack's Baptism

October 18th - Today was Jack Parker Janzen's baptism. Jack was a very good boy and didn't cry at all. God Bless you baby Jack! Lily behaved in church as well, we were very proud of her.

More teeth!

Lily got her first top tooth on October 16th and the second top tooth on the 24th. When she smiles now, it's so funny. I'll try to get a good picture to post soon.

Pumking Farm

We took Lily to Susanna's Farm in Antioch. The Scottish Highlands are adorable, the horses, lambs and chicks were out. We walked Lily thru the Kids Corn Maze. Lily picked out her own pumpkin.

Little time with the "big sister"

Bean and Lily waiting for story time.